The LMU-CVM chapter of SAVMA and the SGA officers of the LMU-CVM appoint students to address violations of the Ethics and Honor Code through the Professional Conduct Committee (PCC). The PCC serves as the student government’s representative and promotes professional self-governance. The PCC works with the offices of the ADSAA and the SPC to aid in upholding LMU-CVM's high standards of professional behavior. All SPC/PCC meetings with students are private and confidential, including, but not limited to, the names of participants and witnesses, proceedings, discussions and deliberations, minutes, and recommendations. The following are prohibited in all SPC/PCC meetings unless otherwise authorized in writing by the ADSAA: (1) electronic recording of the meeting, except for official minutes; (2) legal counsel; and (3) all other individuals not part of the SPC/PCC process or not invited to attend the meeting. The SAVMA Executive Board Liaison to the PCC will serve as the Chair. The Chair is a non-voting member that will only vote in the result of a tie.