Master of Veterinary Biomedical Science (MVBMS) Curriculum

The Master of Veterinary Biomedical Science (VBMS) curriculum is a full-time two-semester program leading to the Master of Science (M.S.) degree. The curriculum is designed to provide advanced academic learning in the life sciences through graduate coursework, professional training, and research. Graduates from this degree program are able to independently explore an area of the primary literature of the life sciences, analyze and critique published research reports, and communicate about life sciences in formal oral and written modalities.

Enrollment Status as Determined by Credit Hours

Full-time status as a VBMS graduate student is a minimum of nine (9) graduate credits in a Fall or Spring semester, or six (6) during a summer session. Generally, VBMS students enroll in 15 credit hours per Fall and Spring semester. Summer session courses are not guaranteed.

Students must be registered for a minimum of six (6) credit hours to qualify for financial aid. Contact the Office of Student Financial Services for more information if necessary.

Course Descriptions and Course Catalog

All VBMS program required and elective courses, course descriptions, and credit hours are provided in the LMU Graduate Catalog.