Outcome for DVM Student Academic Deficiencies in the Preclinical Years 1-3

***The following applies to LMU-CVM students starting in January 2023 (Class of 2027 Silver) and all future classes.***

For students failing one or more courses during semesters 1 through 6, the SPC shall recommend to the Dean of LMU- CVM one of the following actions based on the number of courses with a failing grade:

  1. Failure of one course within an academic year. 
  • The student will remediate the deficiency under the supervision of the course director.
  • The student will be recessed.
  • The student will be dismissed.
  1. Failure of two courses within an academic year.
  • The student will be recessed.
  • The student will be dismissed.
  • The student will remediate the deficiencies under the supervision of the course director(s).
  1. Failure of three courses within an academic year.
  • The student will be recessed.
  • The student will be dismissed.
  1. Failure of more than 8 course credits in one semester may result in dismissal.
  2. Starting with the Silver Class of 2027, students who have three  or more cumulative (since initial enrollment) failures in their preclinical semesters (1-6) may result in dismissal. Students in previous cohorts should refer to the prior policy below.
  3. Failure of a previously failed course will result in dismissal.
  4. A semester will only be repeated once.
  5. Failure of remediation shall count as an additional failure.
  6. Students must complete the entire curriculum within six (6) years of initial enrollment in LMU-CVM.
  7. The LMU-CVM Dean reserves the right to administratively withdraw (dismiss) a student at any time due to failure to progress through the curriculum, inability to meet technical standards that preclude progression through the curriculum, or for violations of professional behavior standards or violations of the ethics and honor code.


***Classes prior to the Class of 2027 Silver (Class of 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026) follow the prior direction below.***

  1. Student has one failure within an academic year - Students with a single failure will either be allowed to remediate the deficiency under the supervision of the course director OR be recessed.
  2. Student has two failures within an academic year - Students with two failures will be recessed. However, students may be allowed to remediate if there is sufficient history of progression in the curriculum as determined by the Student Progress Committee and the Dean of LMU-CVM.
  3. Student has three failures within an academic year - Students with three failures will be dismissed from the program. However, students with a total of 3 failures may be allowed to recess if there is sufficient history of progression in the curriculum as determined by the Student Progress Committee and the Dean of LMU-CVM.
  4. Student has four or more failures within an academic year - Students with four or more failures will be dismissed from the program.
  5. Five or more cumulative failures within the preclinical semesters of the curriculum will result in dismissal. Electives do not count toward this total.
  6. The second failure of a previously failed course will result in dismissal.
  7. A semester may only be repeated once unless the Student Progress Committee and the Dean of LMU­ CVM have determined that the student has made significant academic progress.
  8. Failure of remediation will result in the student being recessed unless this constitutes the fifth cumulative failure, which results in dismissal.
  9. Students must complete the CVM curriculum within the 6-year term from the initial LMU-CVM Program start date.
  10. The Dean of LMU-CVM reserves the right dismiss a student at any time due to failure to progress through the curriculum, inability to meet technical standards that preclude progression through the curriculum, or for grievous professional or ethical deficiencies.