Patient Care Guidelines

Patient care is a required part of the course work in the Veterinary Medical Technician (VMT) and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) programs. As future veterinary professionals it is imperative to develop basic animal husbandry and patient care skills.  LMU offers such hands-on experience by assigning students with the responsibility of daily, routine care for animals.  

Students will be assigned to care of canine and feline care duty during each semester.  In addition, VMT students will be assigned one week of rodent animal care during the semester they are enrolled in the laboratory animal class to gain the necessary experience and essential skills. Each student’s assigned duties will be shared with several other students. The learning experience will promote teamwork, leadership, and responsibility within the group. A CVM staff member will set up the initial schedule for animal care teams.  All duties will be shared equally among all team members. All duties must be checked off and approved by CVM staff.


  • Animal Care Staff - one who oversees care of canine, feline, and laboratory animals, direct point of contact for students on kennel shifts regarding animal care
  • LMU VMT Faculty/Staff- all DVMs and LVMTs employed through Lincoln Memorial University
  • Aggressive- signs of aggression in dogs/cats include but are not limited to the following: growling, snarling, lunging, snapping, hissing, and/or scratching.
  • Sick- a condition that prevents body or mind from working normally
  • Injured- harmed, damaged, impaired



  • Students work together in a coordinated effort as a team to provide daily husbandry, basic care, and environmental enrichment of animals.
  • Practical techniques of animal care will be introduced and practiced with animals housed in the animal care facilities.
  • Students provide basic health care for hospitalized/housed animals, in order to gain an understanding for basic animal needs of nutrition, sanitation, grooming, housing, and general care.
  • Students become familiar with physical parameters of the normal animal and consequently, will be able to detect abnormal behavior and presenting complaints of animals in an animal care setting.
  • Students develop a working knowledge of the importance of detailed record keeping in animal health.


The health, comfort, and welfare of the animals will be maintained at all times.  To this end the student will:

  • Complete and sign Patient Care Management Guidelines before scheduled shifts begin
  • Work courteously, showing respect and patience with instructors, supervisors, team members, and animals at ALL TIMES.
    • No type of verbal or physical abuse with be tolerated toward animals, each other, or LMU CVM faculty/staff members (see patient neglect policy)
  • Provide care to all animals as described in materials housed in Canvas.
  • Monitor and evaluate health status and general condition of each animal. Any animal that is sick, injured, or aggressive must be reported to the Animal Care Staff via phone call and email before any students leave that kennel shift.
  • Report for all scheduled kennel shifts on time (see patient neglect policy)
  • Record all required information in an animal’s medical record. Details to be provided in Canvas.
  • Finish ALL records before end of shift.



  • If a student is unable to attend a schedule shift, it is that student’s responsibility to find another team member to cover that shift prior to missing.
  • If a student is unable to find a replacement or the absence is at the last minute, the student must call and email the Animal Care Staff and, additionally for DVM students, email the Clinical Skills Course Directors.
  • Shifts changes are ONLY allowed for excused absences (e.g. doctors’ appointments, family emergencies, or unforeseen circumstances), and completely up to the discretion of Animal Care Supervisor
  • All changes MUST be cleared and approved by CVM staff or faculty.


  • ALWAYS read the patient’s chart... NEVER ASSUME
  • If you don’t know... ASK!
  • ABSOLUTLEY NO PICTURES are to be taken of any USDA animal, this can lead to dismissal from the program.
  • Contact information will be posted on Canvas and in kennel facilities



The dismissal and consequences pertaining to the Neglect Charges can be found in the CVM Handbook. These items below constitute what is considered a Level 1, Level 2, and Level 4 neglect.

The CVM uses a total points system to address patient neglect. If a student receives four points in a semester or six points over multiple semesters, the student will be required to meet with the Student Progress Committee. A Level 1 Neglect Charge is equivalent to one point, a Level 2 Neglect Charge is equivalent to two points, a Level 4 Neglect Charge has the equivalent of four points. If a VMT or DVM student performs a level 4 neglect action, the student will be immediately dismissed from the program. Individual courses (e.g. clinical skills) may include patient care expectations in their syllabi that students must also abide by and are held responsible for.

Level 1 Animal Neglect:

  • Arriving late to kennel shift and failure to notify Animal Care Supervisor and kennel team at least 30 mins prior to tardy shift
  • Failure to:
    • Work cooperatively as a team member
    • Focus on patient during the shift (e.g. on cell phone during shift)
    • approve shift exchange by Animal Care Staff or CVM Faculty
    • complete animal care duties
    • complete all charting (patient and cleaning)
    • incomplete/missing information on charting

Each Level 1 charge will be considered as 1 point towards dismissal. Further details on dismissal process can be found in the VMT student handbook.

Level 2 Animal Neglect:

  • Failure to:
    • Provide and ensure proper care and daily needs of an animal. This includes but is not limited to proper medication administration, feeding, ensuring hygiene of kennel facility, enrichment etc.
    • Promptly report a sick, injured or aggressive animal to Animal Care Supervisor
  • No call/no show
  • Inappropriate use of mechanical restraint (rabies pole, cat grasper, muzzles, etc.)

Each Level 2 charge will be considered as 2 points toward dismissal. Further details on dismissal process can be found in the CVM student handbook.

Level 4 Animal Neglect:

  • Abuse, such as physically striking, rough handling, or tormenting a caged animal, in any way or endangering the animal’s life
  • Fabrication of any aspect of kennel care including medical records

Each Level 4 charge will be considered as 4 points and immediate dismissal from the program. Further details on the dismissal process can be found in the CVM student handbook.

All Animal Neglect violations will be documented in writing.  The student will be required to meet with the Animal Care Staff and applicable LMU-CVM Faculty and Staff.

By enrolling in a DVM or VMT program, the student is agreeing to all conditions stated in the Patient Care Guidelines.