Procedures for Academic Deficiencies

Student Progress Committee

The purpose of the Student Progress Committee (SPC) is to ensure that every graduate of LMU-CVM has the skills, knowledge, and judgment to assume the responsibilities of a veterinary professional. The SPC will monitor student progress both academically and professionally and ensure that all students meet the requirements necessary for graduation. The SPC is comprised of faculty with an Ex-officio member appointed by the Dean from LMU-CVM's administration.

At the end of every grading period (semester), the SPC Chair and Dean-appointed Administrator are given the final course grades. For students who have failed to progress sufficiently, the SPC Chair will schedule a meeting on the last Thursday and/or Friday of the semester. Minutes will be kept by a recording secretary. All matters are submitted to a vote, with a simple majority ruling. The Chair will be a non- voting member unless there is a tie vote.

Examples of failure to progress through a program, include, but are not limited to: students who failed a course, students who consistently score below 75% for final course grades, consistently receive negative comments on clinical rotations, failure to attain competency during clinical year, or students with any other academic or professionalism issues. Students purported to have exhibited or performed unethical and/or unprofessional behavior may also be referred to the SPC (See Professional Conduct).

The goal of meeting with the SPC is to gain insight into why the student is having difficulty so that the SPC can make an informed recommendation to the Dean of LMU-CVM. The student should come prepared to explain their situation and proposed steps or actions to correct their situation. The individuals allowed to attend these meetings are the student with one

(1) "Procedural Advocate," the Committee members (SPC), and a recording secretary. The Committee may choose to invite individuals who have additional information that is pertinent to the reason the student must appear before the SPC. Within five (5) working days, the committee's recommendation will be forwarded in writing to the Dean of LMU-CVM. The following are prohibited in all Committee meetings unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions: (1) electronic recording of the meeting, except for official minutes; (2) legal counsel; and

(3) uninvited individuals.


Procedural Advocates

It has been recognized that the potential for additional concern and stress may be caused by a student's requirement to respond to inquiries from the ADSAA, SPC, and/or the PCC. The role of a "Procedural Advocate" (PA) has been developed to alleviate some of these negative possibilities and to provide the student support. A student may request a PA to assist them through the SPC process.

The PA will not be allowed to act as an attorney or agent for the student during SPC meetings. The role of the PA is limited to assisting, advising, and supporting the student during the SPC process and meetings. The overall role of a PA is to ensure that the student understands the SPC process by reviewing the procedural information with the student prior to SPC meetings. The PA will also ensure that the student understands the outcome and options they may have because of an SPC decision.

All PAs will be trained by the office of the ADSAA and other university resources to ensure adequate knowledge of the SPC process. The PA may be a trained LMU-CVM faculty or staff. While it is recommended that the student take advantage of the PA's assistance, it is not required. In order to allow a PA to assist a student, the student must sign and submit a CVM disciplinary FERPA Authorization for Release of Information Form which can be found at The student may discontinue the assistance of a PA at any time.

The PA is allowed to assist students in both academic and Ethics and Honor Code matters. They are not allowed to speak on behalf of the student at any point and may only address the Committee for clarification of procedural or administrative points. Additionally, PAs are also not allowed to appear at an SPC meeting in lieu of a student. An individual PA shall not assist a student in both the meeting with the committee (SPC/PCC) and the Appeals committee, a new PA will assist in the appeals process.