Professional Conduct

Establishing and maintaining the highest concepts of honor and personal integrity during veterinary medical education are critical to training veterinary professionals. It is the responsibility of the student to actively support these standards and it is reasonable to expect that colleagues will do the same. Behavior and speech should demonstrate respect for the diversity of colleagues. One must avoid disparaging remarks or actions with regard to a person's race, age, gender, disability, national origin, position, religion, or sexual orientation. Students will strive to create an environment that fosters mutual learning, dialogue, and respect while avoiding verbal, written or physical contact that could create a hostile or intimidating environment. Since a person's actions continuously reflect one's intentions, students will adhere to the standards of Professional Conduct when within, representing, or in any way impacting the community, including behaviors in off­ campus settings or at non-LMU events where other LMU students are participating or present.

Respect for Patients and Animals

Students will take the utmost care to ensure animals are kept safe and treated humanely while under their care. The importance that our patients have in our client's lives is understood; and students will work diligently to practice understanding and sensitivity as it relates to the pet owner. Students will treat our animals with dignity and offer treatment regardless of finances or personal biases. The care and well-being of the patients will always be at the forefront of the decision-making process. Students will always maintain patient, client site, and client confidentiality.

Patient Neglect Policy

The faculty of the LMU-CVM programs work hard to ensure ample hands-on experience for students using live animals.  Students have a responsibility to provide daily enrichment, feedings, medical, and any addition care to the live animals we house within our college. To ensure the optimal respect, care, and health of these animals we have developed a Patient Care Guidelines to hold each student accountable during their time at LMU-CVM. The Patient Care Guidelines are made available to students at the beginning of each semester that outlines what constitutes expectations of care and patient neglect. If a student has committed an act of patient neglect, said student will be charged with neglect and receive a Patient Neglect Notice. Refer to the Patient Care Guidelines for descriptions of Level 1, 2, and 4 Neglect Charges.

Dismissal Process:  If a student receives four points in a semester or six points over multiple semesters, the student will be dismissed at the conclusion of the semester. If a student performs a level 4 neglect action, the student will be immediately dismissed from the program. A Level 1 Neglect Charge is equivalent to one point, a Level 2 Neglect Charge is equivalent to two points, a Level 4 Neglect Charge has the equivalent of four points AND an immediate dismissal from any LMU-CVM Program. Students receiving a more than one patient neglect point will be required to meet with the Student Progress Committee.

Respect for Faculty, Staff, Colleagues, Hospital Personnel, and Community

Students will exhibit respect for faculty, staff, colleagues, and other members of the veterinary health care team. This respect will be demonstrated by professional conduct in mannerism, conversation, and relationships. Students will refer to faculty and staff by their appropriate title, such as "Doctor Smith," or "Mrs. Jones," unless otherwise directed. Students will strive to understand the role and responsibility as well as importance of their peers, colleagues, and team members. Students will make every effort to maintain an even disposition, display a judicious use of others' time, and handle private information maturely. They will express views in a calm, respectful and mature manner when in disagreement with another individual, understanding that a mutual agreement will not always be reached. Confrontations of such nature will be carried out in a private location as soon as time permits.

During clinical activities and training, comments relative to concerns about the adequacy of animal care, accuracy of diagnosis and appropriateness of therapy are never allowed in the presence or hearing distance of the owner/client. These conversations should be conducted in a professional manner directly with the clinician or licensed provider at an appropriate time and location away from the client. In these conversations, students are encouraged to learn where the differences are  and why. However, they must defer to the licensed provider regarding all aspects of clinical practice.  Students are permitted to converse with their Course Mentors concerning any treatment plans offered by the clinical affiliate staff as a learning experience.

Respect for Self

A diversity of personal beliefs serves to enrich the veterinary medical profession. Therefore, students are encouraged to uphold personal ethics, beliefs, and morals in both daily conduct and in the practice of this Code. Understanding conflicts may exist that interfere with personal beliefs, students are encouraged to be proactive with communicating these situations.

Respect for Proper Documentation

The written medical record is important in communication between the animal care team and effective patient care; it is also a legal document and available for review. The medical record is the property of the individual clinical affiliate and is confidential. As such, it is crucial that students maintain the integrity of patients' medical care through accurate reporting of all pertinent information about which students have direct knowledge. Written medical documents, including electronic correspondence pertaining to patients and their care must be legible, truthful, complete and accurate to the best of a student's knowledge and abilities. To avoid an accidental breach of confidentiality, students will not discuss or share patient information with anyone except those directly related to the case. Appropriate medical and/or personal information about patients/clients should only be shared with other veterinary professionals directly involved or for educational purposes.

Respect for Laws, Policies and Regulations

Laws, policies and regulations at the university, local, state, and federal levels benefit the community and are not to be disregarded or violated. Any matters under the jurisdiction of local, state, or federal laws are explicitly deemed "outside the scope" of this Code.

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse will not be tolerated by any student while enrolled at LMU. Students are not to attend a class, laboratory, or a clinical rotation when under the effects of alcohol or drugs. Students found abusing or misusing alcohol or drugs will face disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Students needing professional help with alcohol or substance abuse/misuse issues should contact LMU counseling services. A student may be subjected to substance testing without notice at any time.

The LMU-CVM and its affiliate clinical sites are committed to maintaining a drug-free environment in compliance with applicable laws. The unlawful possession, use, distribution, sale, or manufacture of controlled substances is prohibited on the university campus, its facilities, or any clinical site. Violation of this policy may result in the appropriate disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.