Reporting Procedure for Ethical and Honor Code Violations

A case of a suspected violation or an unresolved situation may be brought to the PCC or ADSAA through self-reporting or by the observer of a violation, at which point the case proceeds to an investigation if warranted and, potentially, a subsequent hearing for resolution. Reporting violations should be accomplished by submitting the appropriate Ethics and Honor Code Violation form available in the CVM Student Services Canvas Organization. After submission of a signed complaint, the involved parties will be notified within 5 working days of Misconduct Allegation and informed of a preliminary meeting date, time, and location with the ADSAA. If the complaint is anonymous and unsigned, an investigation of the allegations shall be conducted by the PCC and/or the ADSAA. Based on the findings of the investigation, further action may be taken by the ADSAA through a preliminary meeting. If the preliminary investigation determines that no violation occurred, the matter is considered resolved. Records will be placed in a confidential file and destroyed upon the student’s graduation.

Records are to be kept at each level of the process. The Chair will appoint a member to maintain all documentation. All records will be kept on file that is maintained by the ADSAA.