Academic Standards

Students are responsible for ethical conduct and integrity in all scholastic and clinical work. As future veterinary health care professionals, we students recognize that we are obligated to develop our veterinary knowledge and skills to the best of our ability, realizing that the health of the patient is dependent upon our competence. We will work together as a team to utilize all available resources.

Academic Integrity

It is the aim of the faculty of LMU-CVM to foster a spirit of complete honesty and a high standard of integrity. The attempt of any student to present as his/her own work that he/she has not honestly performed is regarded by the faculty and administration as a very serious offense and renders the offender liable for severe consequences and possible dismissal.


Dishonesty of any kind on examinations or written assignments, unauthorized possession of examination questions, the use of unauthorized notes (either written or electronic) during an examination, obtaining information during an examination from another veterinary student, assisting others to cheat, altering grade records, or illegally entering an office are instances of cheating. Cell phones, smart phones, and smart watches are not permitted during examinations. A student who is found to have a cell phone or smart device on their person during an examination will receive a zero for that examination and will be subject to dismissal.


Offering the work of another as one's own without proper acknowledgment is plagiarism; therefore, any veterinary student who fails to give credit for quotations or essentially identical material taken from books, magazines, encyclopedias, or other reference works, or from the themes, reports, or other writings of a fellow veterinary student has committed plagiarism. In addition, submitting someone else's work as one's own or submitting one's work for multiple courses is considered plagiarism or self-plagiarism, respectively.


The use of GenAI in any work performed in class, labs, clinical work, submitted as assignments, or other course requirements, if allowed, will be made clear to students by the instructor. All work is to be the student’s own original work and composed entirely by the student, unless otherwise explicitly permitted by the instructor. All assistance or use of GenAI that is disallowed by an instructor may incur penalties according to the Academic Integrity policies of the University and LMU-CVM.


Students will not take temporary or permanent possession of LMU-CVM or clinical affiliate property without the organization's express written permission. This includes, but is not limited to, hospital surgical attire, books, food, etc.


Personal electronic communication devices should be turned off or turned to vibrate in clinical and laboratory settings unless prior permission has been obtained from the clinical affiliate.


As students:

  1. Must demonstrate honor and integrity during examinations.
  2. Understand that examinations are meant to reflect individual achievement. Cheating during examinations is unethical and is defined as doing any of the following without authorization:
    1. Looking at the answers written by another student during an examination.
    2. Communicating with another student about topics that might help to answer a question during an examination. This communication includes receiving information regarding test answers, questions, or other specific test content from any student who has already taken the examination or supplying same to any student who has not already taken the examination.
    3. Referring to notes or textual matter during an examination.
    4. Violating any other policy of examinations.
  3. During examinations, students have an obligation to maintain a non-disruptive atmosphere.
  4. Will not to communicate specific information regarding an examination to a classmate who has not yet completed that examination during that academic year.

Other Academic Work

  1. In deference to the scientists, researchers, and clinicians who have shared their knowledge and experience for the betterment of our learning, students have a responsibility to not disclose the work of others without their expressed permission, nor to cite their work without giving proper credit.
  2. During the pre-clinical and clinical education, students will be provided with material that includes clinical cases that will aid in the clinical immersion learning process. Students will protect and preserve the confidentiality of these resources so that they may be used by future peers and classmates.