Ethical and Honor Code Violation Resolutions


The specified period of time for probation is determined by the nature of the specific behavior and the degree of the violation. In addition to the imposed sanctions, the following shall always be included with the sanction of probation:

  1. Student will be required to meet with the ADSAA on a regularly scheduled basis, at their discretion, to review compliance with the policy and procedures of the Ethics and Honor Code.
  2. To take advantage of opportunities offered through counselors, tutors, and other programs for development.
  3. Not hold any office in a student organization, tutor or TA, nor attend local or national meetings that interfere with class attendance or exam preparation (studying) while on probation.


Suspension is defined as the immediate removal from the student’s class due to violations pertaining to the Ethics and Honor Code. This immediate removal is coupled with recession to a new class as previously described for Academic Deficiencies. A Suspension may include additional administrative and developmental sanctions that shall be applied based on the nature of the violation. Unless specified, successful completion of all of the imposed sanctions will be required before the student is allowed to return to the LMU-CVM program.

Interim Suspension

Interim Suspension is issued in extreme or unusual cases when there is reason to believe, supported by sufficient evidence, that the continued presence of a student on campus presents an immediate danger or threat of harm to themselves or other members of the campus community. This may include but is not limited to, threat of disruption of any University operations or activities. Interim Suspension includes the immediate suspension of all student privileges associated with attending the University, including its related functions. A student who has been placed on Interim Suspension may not attend classes, may not participate in any University activities, and may be prohibited from being on University property pending the investigation of potential violations of the Student Handbook and outcome issued by the LMU-CVM Dean.

Personal Grievances

Grievances of a personal nature that violate the Ethics and Honor Code, may be addressed through mediation facilitated by the ADSAA between the two parties.  If mediation does not reach a resolution through the ADSAA, the process will progress as outlined in Ethical and Honor Code Violation Procedures.