Implementation of Curriculum

The LMU-CVM entrusts its dedicated clinical site affiliate partners to educate, train, supervise and evaluate students for excellence in veterinary practice. The clinical site educators will implement the curriculum in a manner that balances the learning needs of the students and the educational resources available to the site. To enhance learning, clinical site partners are encouraged to use a variety of teaching techniques, including observation, monitored participation, video and audio recordings, on-line resources, readings, individual discussions, and presentations by students, faculty, and others. Specific curricular expectations, in the form of course syllabi with learning objectives, are available to each student, and each clinical site. Course syllabi are available to students in Medtrics™ on the LMU Team Site

Non-clinical experiences (e.g. hospital committees, business reviews, performance development, community participation, etc.) are important for students to help them understand and appreciate the full spectrum of activities expected and opportunities available to graduate veterinarians. 

Administration of the clinical curriculum is led by the Office of Clinical Relations and Outreach (CRO) and falls into three primary areas: 

  1. Clinical Relations and Outreach – relationships with clinical sites and educators, as well as site training are led by the Associate Dean for Clinical Relations and the Clinical Relations and Outreach team. 
  2. Clinical Academic Program – Along with the Clinical Relations and Outreach team, course outcomes are supported by LMU-CVM faculty members that are Course Mentors. The Course Mentors are veterinarians employed by LMU-CVM to support and mentor students’ academics during the clinical year. The Clinical Relations and Outreach team is involved in the oversight and management of the academic program.  
  1. Logistics – course scheduling, Medtrics™ administration, and evaluations are led by the staff of the Office of Clinical Relations and Outreach.  student support in the clinical year

Students should refer to Medtrics™ for further information describing the oversight of the clinical year.