Professional Appearance

All LMU-CVM students are expected to be dressed appropriately at all times with particular attention given to personal hygiene, cleanliness, safety, and especially professional demeanor.

If students are provided with an LMU-CVM name tag in addition to the LMU student ID badge. The name tag is to be worn for all Clinical Skills and Professional Life Skills lab sessions. Exceptions may be made for sessions where the badge may become a safety hazard, as determined by the Lab Leader.

Students who come to school dressed unprofessionally will be asked to leave campus, change clothes, and return in appropriate attire. Any absence from class or an exam because of the student's lack of judgment will be considered an unexcused absence. Points may also be deducted from Professional Life Skills courses or individual courses per the syllabus at the discretion of faculty or administration. The dress code is enforced between the hours of 7:30 am-4:30 pm on Monday through Friday or as specifically requested by the Office of Student Services and Admission via the ADSAA. Specific dress code elements may be superceded by approved accommodations through the Office of Accessible Education.

Students are expected to follow professional, casual dress guidelines for on-campus activities, including, but not limited to, attendance of class. Students should dress more professionally for other activities, such as guest speakers, conferences, and special events like the White Coat Ceremony. Students will be notified ahead of time of events that require attire other than professional casual.

Professional Casual Dress Code Guidelines and Examples While on CVM Campuses

Professional casual is neat and should look appropriate in a professional college. Avoid inappropriately tight or baggy clothing; professional casual is classic rather than trendy. Everything should be clean, wrinkle-free, well­ fitted, and not show excessive wear. Scrubs should not be worn except in laboratory sessions. The only exception is a lecture at DVTC between laboratory sessions. Scrubs must be covered by a clean, white lab coat.

Pants: Men: Khakis or slacks are acceptable. Women: Khakis or slacks, skirts, or dresses. Both: Jeans will be permitted if they fit properly. Faded jeans or jeans that have holes or tears in them are not permitted. Leggings may be worn under a skirt or dress. If wearing a skirt or dress, it must be no shorter than three finger­ widths above the knee. The style of dress or skirt must be appropriate for class (e.g., no formal wear).

Shirts/Sweaters: Men: Button-up shirts, polo shirts, sweaters, and turtleneck shirts are acceptable. Women: Tailored shirts, blouses, sweaters, and polo shirts are acceptable. Sweaters are acceptable; but low-cut necklines are never appropriate. Polo/golf shirts for both men and women are acceptable. Fleeces or quarter-zip outerwear are acceptable provided the under-layer garments meet dress code standards. Ties: Ties are not necessary for classes. Students will be informed of events where more professional dress is required, such as guest speakers or special events.

Footwear: Must be clean and in good repair and appropriate for the professional or educational activity.

Watches, jewelry, and other accessories: Watches, jewelry and other accessories should not be excessive or distracting. Accessories must be easily removable when they create a hygiene or safety hazard.

Undergarments: Should not be visible.

Hair: Hair must be kept neat and clean, long hair may be required to be controlled as to not create a safety or hygiene hazard (e.g. blocking vision, getting caught in moving equipment, corning into contact with preserved specimens, etc.). Facial hair: If worn, facial hair should be well-groomed.

Hats: Ball caps and visors are not to be worn indoors at any CVM facilities. They may be permitted at the instructors' discretion for outdoor learning, labs, and functions. Cowboy/Western style hats if worn must be removed in classrooms and indoor laboratories.

Cosmetics: If worn, makeup should be professional.

ITEMS THAT ARE NOT PERMITTED: While not an exhaustive list, tube tops, sweatshirts, hoodies, tank tops, short or long-sleeve t-shirts, athletic shorts, flip-flops, athletic slides, excessive body piercing, cut-off shorts, and jeans with holes in them are examples of inappropriate dress and therefore unacceptable. Revealing, excessively tight or baggy clothes are not appropriate.

Laboratory Courses: Courses with a laboratory component, such as Veterinary Anatomy, Clinical Skills, and Professional Life Skills, will require that students dress as directed for these courses. Please see below.

Required Attire for Clinical Skills Laboratories
Location Clinical Skills Lab Small Animal Prep Room Small Animal Surgery Equine Stables & Equine Teaching Center Bovine Teaching Center
Footwear Closed-toe shoes Clean closed- toe shoes Dedicated clean closed- toe shoes or shoe covers Closed-toed shoes, leather or rubber, NOT athletic shoes Rubber boots that extend at least mid- calf
Clothing Professional clothing or scrubs Professional clothing or scrubs

Clean "surgery" green scrubs put on at hospital

Scrubs, nice jeans, khakis, polo shirt* Scrubs, nice jeans, khakis, polo shirt*
Outer Attire Lab coat Lab coat Hat and mask Optional coveralls Coveralls - must be removed after lab prior to leaving the DVTC

*This clothing may get dirty

Required Equipment for Clinical Skills Laboratories 
All Labs Small Animal Physical Exam & Procedures Food Animal Physical Exam & Procedures Equine Physical Exam & Procedures Small Animal Surgery Small Animal Anesthesia

Pen, clicker


Pen, clicker, stethoscope, thermometer, pen light

Pen, clicker, stethoscope, thermometer, pen light Pen, clicker, stethoscope, thermometer, pen light Pen, clicker, stethoscope, thermometer, pen light Pen, clicker, stethoscope, thermometer, pen light, clipboard, calculator, bandage scissors, hemostats

Relaxed Dress Code Guidance

Under certain circumstances, as determined by the LMU-CVM administration, a relaxed dress policy may be allowed for special times or functions. The dress policies DO NOT change for labs or class/function attendance (unless included in the special event) as described in the Student Handbook - this only applies to pre­ determined time periods or special events. The guidelines are as follows:

  1. Clean, comfortable clothing in good condition to include jeans, sweatpants, leggings, tasteful t-shirts, sweatshirts, and tennis shoes/athletic shoes are permitted for taking the exams or for the special event. If the student has additional classes or functions following exams, or are returning later in the day for functions, they should return to fully professional attire as described in the handbook under Professional Appearance. If the relaxed dress code applies for a special event (e.g., Halloween, Sweats for Pets, etc.), then you will be expected to be in professional attire for any labs, meetings, or official functions.
  2. No crass, lewd or innuendo sayings on visible attire. Students may be asked to cover up or change clothes.

Professional Appearance During Clinical Year

Personal appearance and dress for students in the health professions is important in establishing respect and credibility in the doctor-client relationship. The public expects that doctors be neatly dressed and properly groomed. Students participating in the LMU-CVM clinical year program are expected to uphold these standards at all times when on and off rotations. In general, students will dress in the manner prescribed by the clinic in which they are working. Students may be asked to cover tattoos and remove piercings and jewelry. A clean white clinic coat or clean coveralls displaying the LMU-CVM logo and name badge are required to be available at all times by all students when in a clinical environment.

Required equipment varies by clinical course and may include: thermometer, bandage scissors, suture scissors, calculator, stethoscope, pen light, pen and small notebook, hoof pick, postmortem gloves, postmortem scissor, postmortem forceps, watch with a second hand, hemostats, reflex hammer, lab coat, scrubs, coveralls, and washable rubber footwear. It is the student's responsibility to find out what equipment is required during their clinical affiliate orientation or, even better, prior to the start of the rotation, by contacting the clinical affiliate.

Special protective clothing must be worn in designated areas as specified by clinical site personnel. In working with livestock, mixed animal, equine, or in a diagnostic lab and pathology rotation, coveralls are required unless the clinical affiliate requires alternative dress. Washable rubber footwear is required for mixed and large animal rotations. Student equipment and apparel must be kept clean to reduce the chance of spreading infectious agents. Students will not wear protective clothing, smocks, lab coats, overalls, or coveralls, in public places away from the CVM or clinical sites. These clothing items are to be worn only while engaged in educational, research, and/or service activities directly related to veterinary medicine. Students will be required to change coveralls several times during the day to avoid contamination between farms. In some cases, clinical sites may require scrubs or other protective attire. This attire may be provided by the clinical site, in which case it will remain the clinical site property. Specific dress code for clinical affiliate sites may be found on Medtrics™. When in doubt, contact the clinical affiliate regarding the dress code.

Radiology Badges

DVM  and VMT students will be assigned radiology badges that are to be worn while acquiring radiographic images. These badges are monitored via  a third party vendor to monitor student radiation exposure levels periodically throughout the year. More information on Radiation Safety and documentation on radiology badges is provided in the resources folder on Medtrics™. The cost of replacement of lost badges is the responsibility of the student and it will be assessed at current market value. Grades will be withheld until payment is made. Failure of students to provide regular monitoring of their radiation exposure as required, may result in the student being removed from the program.