Outcome for Graduate Student Academic Deficiencies

All CVM graduate students are required to maintain a 3.0 GPA in their program of study. Any student found to have performed below the 3.0 standard in a given semester will be placed on academic probation for the following semester, and may remain on academic probation until their cumulative program GPA meets the standard. If a student is not able to maintain the required GPA, the Graduate Council and/or the CVM Student Progress Committee has the authority to recommend the student’s dismissal from the program. If it is determined to be numerically impossible to reach the required cumulative GPA, even with earning the highest possible grades, in subsequent coursework, the student may be dismissed from their program of study. The CVM Dean will provide official notification in such cases. The minimum required cumulative GPA for degree completion is 2.85.


Graduate Course Repetition Policy

Repeating a course will replace the previously earned grade in calculation of the cumulative GPA in order to remove the probationary status and/or determine graduation eligibility. The original grade continues to be reported on the transcript and should also be reported by the student to avoid the consequences of false reporting to any other educational institution. No course may be repeated more than once, and a student may repeat a maximum of two (2) courses in a degree program.