DVM Recessed Student Policy

A student who has been recessed is removed from their current academic cohort and allowed to re-enroll as a member of a cohort behind. based on the recommendation of the SPC and upon mutual agreement of the student, the Dean, and the ADSAA. Students who are recessed maybe required to repeat the entire academic year or an academic semester. Students must pass all courses in repeated semesters, in order to maintain their knowledge and skills for further progression in the curriculum.

  1. Students who are recessed will recess to the same color category that they were previously in (blue or silver).  It is only possible for a student to switch color categories (silver to blue or vice versa) if the curriculum allows and at the discretion of the Dean. 
  2. Students who are recessed will be charged a reduced tuition fee ($10,000) per repeated semester.
  3. If a student fails a single course that the student had previously passed during a repeated semester, the student mayremediate the course. The student will be placed on Academic Probation for the subsequent semester. If a student fails a course that the student had already passed and the student already had four cumulative failures, the student will be dismissed.
  4. Repeated failure of a previously failed course will result in dismissal.
  5. Two failures in previously passed courses during a repeated semester will result in dismissal.
  6. Recessed students will be placed on Academic Probation for at least the first semester upon returning.
  7. Students are required to complete the Student Separation Form that is sent by the ADSAA.
  8. Notification of intent to continue in the program are the preceding June 30th for fall semester and October 31st for Spring semester.
  9. See Academic Grades, Rankings, Failures, Honors.
  10. See Interruption in Academic Program Progression