VMT Academic Probation Policy


Students placed on probation in the VMT program will be required to sign a letter acknowledging their acceptance of the recommended conditions of academic probation and conditions within the letter set forth by the Program Director. 


Requirements for a VMT student on academic probation may include:

Mandatory initial meeting with the Program Director and/or Director of Academic Success, Director of Academic and Inclusive Excellence, Academic Success Specialist, or the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions to create a success plan for academics, to be on file with the ADSAA.

  1. This plan may include regularly scheduled meetings with DAS and/or ADSAA, counselors, tutors, and other programs or interventions as recommended.
  2. Mandatory meeting with the course instructor inthe course(s) with poor academic performance
  3. Students may not hold any office in a student organization or corporate representative position while on probation.

These requirements are in place for the remainder of the applicable term, or until the Student Progress Committee, Program Director, or Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions is satisfied the student is making satisfactory academic progress.