Graduate Program Academic Probation Policy

Graduate Program Academic Probation Policy

CVM graduate students are required to maintain a 3.0 GPA in their program of study. Any student found to have performed below the 3.0 standard in a given semester will be placed on academic probation for the following semester, and may remain on academic probation until their cumulative program GPA meets the standard.


Required Procedures for CVM Graduate Students on Academic Probation

A CVM graduate student placed on academic probation is required to meet with the CVM Academic Success Team twice in the semester following notification of probation; for example, a student who performs below a3.0 GPA in the 2024 Fall semester will be placed on academic probation for the 2025 Spring semester, and during the 2025 Spring semester must meet with the CVM Academic Success team at least twice.

One Academic Success meeting must be held at the beginning of the semester, and the second must be held by the end of midterms. The student may meet with the Academic Success Team as many times as necessary or desired, but must meet a minimum of twice within the stated time frame. Failure to fulfill this requirement will be interpreted as disregard for academic progress and/or la ack of professionalism, which may result in dismissal from the program.

A student on academic probation must achieve a 3.0 GPA in the semester of their probation; if a student fails to meet this benchmark, they will remain on probation and be required to complete further academic counseling. If a student is unable to achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.85 at the end of their second consecutive probationary semester, the student may be dismissed from the program.