VMT Attendance


The Veterinary Medical Technology Program adheres to LMU’s undergraduate attendance policy: 

To maximize the learning experience at LMU, students are expected to attend all classes.  It is the student’s responsibility to complete all course requirements even if a class is missed.  The University understands that certain absences are unavoidable and recognizes the following as excused absences:

  • Personal illness – health care provider validation typically required; chronic illnesses which may cause absences should be disclosed to the instructor (see course syllabus for specific guidelines)
  • Death or critical illness in the family as defined in LMU Student Handbook (see Bereavement Policy)
  • Jury duty
  • Military duties
  • Religious observances of a student’s faith
  • Participation in a university-sponsored activity – with official notification from university personnel

Faculty may require documentation for excused absences.  Additional excused absences are determined at the discretion of the faculty member.  Faculty members must allow each student who is absent due to a reason recognized as an “excused absence” the opportunity to make up work missed without any reduction in the student’s final course grade. The make-up work should be done in a timely manner, which is determined at the discretion of the faculty member as outlined in the course syllabus.  Responsibility for materials presented in, assignments made for, and tests/quizzes given in regularly scheduled classes, lies solely with the student.  In the case of foreseeable absences, students are responsible for notifying the faculty member in advance of the absence.  The desired notification method is determined by the faculty member and is outlined in the course syllabus.  Failure of the student to notify faculty of an excused absence may result in the absence being considered unexcused, in which case the opportunity for make-up work could be lost.  Neither the absence, nor the notification of the absence, relieves the student from course requirements.  Misrepresenting the reason for a class absence to a faculty member is a violation of the University’s academic integrity policy (which can be found in the LMU Undergraduate Catalog

In the case of illness or emergency, students shall have twenty-four (24) hours, after discharge from a medical facility, to present a medical excuse to receive and excused absence in the course. Medical excuses will not be accepted after the 24-hour window. An excused absence requires production of an authentic paper copy of a doctor’s note or other verifiable evidence explaining the student’s absence.

The LMU Athletics Division will provide official notification of excused absences directly to the instructor. It is also the student athlete’s responsibility to notify the instructor of any absence PRIOR to the absence. For examinations (tests or quizzes) which conflict with excused athletic absences, the student-athlete must notify the instructor BEFORE the absence and reach an exact agreement on the time and date of the make-up exam/quiz.  Major projects/papers/presentations affected by excused absences must also follow the make-up process as outlined above.

Online Classes – In the instance of a foreseeable absence that could impact online learning, students should make every effort to complete online assignments as regularly scheduled. 



The VMT Program is a professional program and regular, punctual lab attendance is expected and this responsibility rests upon the individual student.  If a student is not able to attend a lab, the student is responsible to notify the instructor ahead of time.  Absence from a lab covering an AVMA CVTEA essential task or skill without an excused absence may result in failure of the course. Accumulation of two (2) or more lab absences may result in failure of the course.  



Exams must be taken as scheduled.  A valid written excuse (such as a physician's note) is required if a quiz or exam is missed. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements to take an alternate makeup exam as soon as possible.  The format of the makeup exam is at the instructor’s discretion and may differ significantly from the format of the original exam. For example, if the original exam was in “multiple-choice” format, the make-up may be in an essay format.  Exams must be made up within 7 days after returning to school.