Leave of Absence 

For all CVM programs, any absence request greater than 5 business days requires permission from the Dean and may require a student to take a leave of absence. A leave of absence may be granted from LMU-CVM for one of the following reasons: 1) a medical, personal, or family emergency; 2) a financial emergency; 3) maternity; 4) a call to active military service; or 5) pursuit of an academic endeavor other than the regular classroom work, either on campus or at another recognized teaching facility. The student must meet with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions to provide justification for the leave. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions will recommend a student to the Dean for a Leave of Absence. The Dean may grant a Leave of Absence for the student. Only students who are in good academic standing with LMU-CVM will be granted a leave of absence. Students who are on academic probation, and have no professional or disciplinary sanctions, who are seeking a leave of absence for health/medical reasons may be allowed to leave on a case-by-case basis. Upon return the student would remain on academic probation.  (See Academic At-Risk and Academic Probation).

The LMU-CVM will notify the student in writing about the decision regarding the Leave of Absence and any requirements about the student's return to campus. Leaves of absence are granted for a maximum of one year. Before a student's leave of absence may begin, he or she must go through LMU-CVM's prescribed check-out procedure that includes completion of the Student Separation Form (See Interruption in Academic Program Progression).

Students seeking to return from a leave of absence must ensure that all approved terms and conditions of the leave are submitted in writing before reinstatement will be granted. The submission of this paperwork is the responsibility of the student and must be submitted to the LMU-CVM by the preceding June 30th for fall semester and October 31st for spring semester of the academic year in which the student wishes to be readmitted. The written request should be directed to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions.

Students granted a medical leave of absence must have a licensed physician or mental health professional certify in writing that the student's physical and/or mental health is sufficient to continue in the academic program. See the technical standards and essential functions for guidance. This letter must be approved by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions before the student will be allowed to return to LMU-CVM.