Use of Rime Scale as Part of Course Grade and Clinical Year Progression

The RIME schema is used to assess competencies in the 4th-year curriculum.  It describes four cognitive levels that reflect common stages in the development of medical skills. The RIME mnemonic aids in the retention of information for the clinical preceptor and student with the letters corresponding to: R – Reporter (Beginner), I – Interpreter (Advanced Beginner), M – Manager (Competent for stage of training), and E - Educator (Proficient) (see course syllabi for more information on the RIME schema). As the student progresses through the Clinical Year, the student will gain knowledge and experience.  It is therefore expected and required that their RIME scale scores mirror that progression.

Before the beginning of Block 7, students will receive a “Competency Progress Report” for Blocks 1-5 as well as a Student Competency Primer to help understand the data. The CRO Team will evaluate your progress relative to a published milestones derived from student performances over the last several years:

  1. If a student is average or above average, no communication will occur.  
  2. If a student is less than one standard deviation below average in the overall competency scores (average of all competencies over Block 1-5), a CRO veterinarian will meet with the student to discuss areas for improvement.
  3. If a student is more than one standard deviation below average in the overall competency scores (average of all competencies over Block 1-5), the student will be required to meet with the Student Progress Committee for evaluation prior to the start of Block 7.

At the beginning of Block 10, students will be provided with an updated “Competency Progress Report” for Blocks 1-8.

  1. If a student is below average in the overall competency scores (average of all competencies over Block 1-8) or for more than five competencies, the student will be required to meet with the Student Progress Committee for evaluation.
  2. The student must achieve an average of “M” or greater on all the measured competencies on the repeated rotation.