College of Veterinary Medicine
Degrees and Certificates
Class of 2025 Curriculum Digest -
Class of 2026 Curriculum Digest -
Class of 2027 Blue Curriculum Digest -
Class of 2027 Silver Curriculum Digest -
Class of 2028 Blue Curriculum Digest -
Class of 2028 Silver Curriculum Digest -
Class of 2029 Silver Curriculum Digest
CVM-701: Clinical Reasoning
Credits 1.08 lecture hours +15 lab hours = 1 credit
Clinical Reasoning will introduce students to clinical reasoning and require them to apply clinical reasoning in case examples. It will also serve as a preparation for the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE).
CVM-702: First Year Transition: Building Academic Resilience
Credits 0.57 lecture hours + 0 lab hours = .5 credits
This course will facilitate the transition to first year veterinary medical school. Students will apply research from learning science, components of positive psychology, and well-being to their individual contexts to best support academic transitions. Topics include organizational strategies to assist with cognitive load, facilitating a reasonable study plan that demonstrates forethought, monitoring learning through sustaining practice with different types of knowledge, among other topics.
CVM-710A: Veterinary Anatomy I
Credits 5.039 lecture hours + 68 lab hours = 5 credits
A systemic and topographic study of macroscopic body structure is presented via lecture and laboratory. This course the dog and cat as the primary models for the study of general mammalian form. A team approach is used for laboratory work with demo specimens and dissection. Clinical applications are incorporated throughout the course in alignment with the ultimate goal of contributing to the education of a practitioner.
CVM-711: Veterinary Physiology
Credits 5.583 lecture hours = 5.5 credits
The CVM 711 course is a detailed study of cellular, tissue, organ function and their control and integration in animals. Emphasis will be placed on cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, muscular, respiratory, renal, digestive, and reproductive physiology. The basic physical and chemical principles that underlie physiological processes will be described.
CVM-712: Veterinary Histology
Credits 1.030 lab hours = 1 credit
This course is a series of laboratories designed to develop the necessary skills to identify microscopic anatomy of basic cell types, tissues, organs, and organ systems. Principles learned in this course will be applied in simultaneous and subsequent courses in the CVM curriculum.
CVM-713: Parasitology
Credits 3.043 lectures + 6 lab hours = 3 credits
Veterinary Parasitology will provide the student with the knowledge for a foundational understanding and appreciation of the principles underlying the diagnosis and intervention of health issues related to parasitic disease in companion and livestock production animals. Course content delivered from a One Health perspective will emphasize the biologic diversity and clinical importance of parasitic organisms encountered in the personal and professional lives of students as practicing veterinarians.
CVM-714: One Health I
Credits 0.58 lecture hours = .5 credit
This course will focus on the aspects of One Health that relate to the individual and professional foundations of veterinary medicine. It will include the history of veterinary medicine to introduce them to their professional cultural inheritance, human animal bond, animal welfare, the role of animals in human psychosocial health, professional ethics and jurisprudence, work life balance, professional organizations and future opportunities for veterinarians.
CVM-715: Clinical Skills I
Credits 1.030 lab hours = 1 credit
Students will be taught safe handling and restraint techniques and will be introduced to the general physical examination of various domestic animal species, including small animals (dogs & cats), companion animals (horses) and production animals (cows & small ruminants). Students will also be introduced to psychomotor skills needed for surgery and other clinical procedures.
CVM-716A: Evidence Based Veterinary Med.
Credits 1.517 lecture hours = 1.5 credits
This course builds on the basics of One Health II by applying evidence-based veterinary medicine in understanding clinical research in infectious disease management. The understanding of the application of evidence-based veterinary medicine is used throughout the working life of veterinarians in contemporary veterinary practices. Basic training in research methodology will be covered to learn clinical study processes and how new scientific evidence is discovered. These skills will be applied to investigating an infectious disease spread within and between populations utilizing mock case studies by appraising scientific evidence about the etiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitological diseases.
CVM-717: Applied Anatomy & Physiology
Credits 1.015 lectures hours = 1 credit
This course is designed to help students develop their skills in critical thinking, communication, resource
identification and evaluation, and clinical decision-making through small group management of a hypothetical veterinary case Through case-based learning, students will revisit and apply knowledge from previous courses as well as preview the application and interpretation of content from upcoming semesters. Students will maintain any and all appropriate medical records during the management of the case.
CVM-718: Professional Skills I
Credits 1.011 lectures + 4 labs = 1 credit
Students will be introduced to professional communication skills and their importance in veterinary
medicine. Students will be introduced & exposed to the Calgary Cambridge Guide for client consultation
and key components to support it. Students will demonstrate these skills in simulated client interactions.
CVM-718A: Professional Identity I
Credits 1.0CVM-719: Medical Science
Credits 1.015 lectures = 1 credit
This course will provide a review of foundational and general medical knowledge required of a veterinarian. Subjects will include: medical terminology, medical chemistry, medical math, and medical physics.
CVM-720: Veterinary Anatomy II
Credits 4.046 lectures + 32 labs = 4 credits
The course will be divided into large animal, porcine, and exotic animal species. The horse will serve as the primary model for studying large animal anatomy and for comparing equine anatomy with other large domestic animal anatomy and with previously covered small animal anatomy. Emphasis will be on the anatomy of large animals (horse and large and small ruminants), which is vital to preparing CVM students to practice veterinary medicine and enter the medical profession. Anatomical concepts of the various regions of the body will be correlated with systemic anatomy and with topographical and other regional anatomy. Dissections, prosections, imaging, and clinical approaches/cases will be emphasized throughout our study of anatomical structures. Clinical applications are incorporated throughout the course in alignment with the ultimate goal of producing competent clinicians.
CVM-722: Veterinary Immunology
Credits 2.538 lecture hours = 2.5 credits
This course presents current concepts in basic and clinical immunology with special emphasis on protective immunity against infectious diseases and the role of aberrant immune responses in disease.
CVM-723B: Veterinary Virology
Credits 1.522 lecture hours = 1.5 credits
This course introduces veterinary students to important viral diseases of animals and help them develop a conceptual framework of best practices that can be adapted to incorporate novel approaches to the control of viral diseases encountered during their veterinary medical careers.
CVM-723C: Bacteriology and Mycology
Credits 2.538 lecture hours = 2.5 credits
This course will introduce students to important bacterial and fungal diseases of animals and help them develop a conceptual framework that can be adapted to incorporate novel approaches that they will encounter during their veterinary careers.
CVM-724: One Health II
Credits 1.015 lecture hours = 1 credit
This course introduces the basic concepts of epidemiology and biostatistics as applied to veterinary and One Health problems. Emphasis is placed on the principles and methods of epidemiologic investigation, epidemiologic definitions, appropriate summaries and displays of data, and the use of classical statistical approaches to describe the health of populations. Topics include the dynamic behavior of disease; usage of rates, ratios and proportions, odds ratios, and other statistical tools. Various epidemiologic study designs for investigating associations between risk factors and disease outcomes are also introduced, culminating with criteria for causal inferences. The application of these disciplines in the areas of health services, screening, and environment policy are presented. The influence of epidemiology and biostatistics on legal and ethical issues are also discussed. Critical review of scientific literature will be examined. To the extent possible, we will draw from the Appalachian region for examination of issues.
CVM-725: Clinical Skills II
Credits 1.030 lab hours = 1 credit
Students will be taught basic ligatures and suturing techniques, phlebotomy, intramuscular injection and subcutaneous injection techniques using models and live animals. Students will perform physical examinations of canine, equine, bovine and ovine species and be introduced to the Subjective and Objective (SOAP) format for medial record keeping.
CVM-726: Animal Husbandry, Welfare & Behavior
Credits 2.060 lab hours = 2 credits
This course introduces animal welfare, husbandry, and behavior in companion animal, equine and food animal species. The course will introduce students to the concept of assessing animal welfare and expose students to different welfare topics in small animals, equine, and food animals. This course will teach students the importance of husbandry and describe normal husbandry for small animals, equine, food animals and exotics. This course will teach what normal behavior is and how to identify abnormal behavior in companion animals.
CVM-728: Professional Skills II
Credits 1.02 lecture hours + 26 lab hours = 1 credit
Students will be introduced to professional communication skills and their importance in veterinary medicine. Students will demonstrate these skills in simulated client interactions.
CVM-728A: Professional Identity II
Credits 1.01 credit = 14 lecture hours
This course is the second tier within the Professional Identity Development pathway that will continue to facilitate the holistic approach and evolution of student professional identity within the veterinary medical profession. Students will continue to apply research from veterinary medical practice, theory of identity development, components of positive psychology, and well-being to their individual contexts to best support professional identity growth and development. Topics include a multi-dimensional approach to the role of values and beliefs in facilitating professional identity development, self-regulatory practices including conflict management and emotions, inclusive identity practices, and professional identity within the greater culture of the challenges veterinary students and professionals experience, among other topics. The course requires reflection that demonstrates forethought and critical analysis through sustaining practice with different types of knowledge and discussion.
CVM-729: Emergency Medicine & Critical Care
Credits 1.030 lab/case study hours = 1 credit
This course expands upon knowledge from previous courses and introduces critical care topics and techniques.Students will apply this information during case-based exercises and discussions. Students should prepare in advance for case-based activities by reading assigned material and/or watching pre-recorded presentations. Students will also complete group-based activities and individual assessments.
CVM-730: Veterinary Pathology I
Credits 3.044 lecture hours = 3 credits
The first part of this course will introduce the student to general pathology of all organ systems. The second part of this course covers systemic pathology of domestic animals. Students will apply knowledge from previous courses (anatomy, histology, physiology, parasitology, immunology, and infectious disease) with the new knowledge of general pathology to describe the pathogenesis of and diagnose diseases. The pathophysiology of diseases will be covered for the hepatic, pancreatic, urinary cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal, respiratory, CNS, special senses, reproductive, gastrointestinal, integumentary, and ophthalmic systems of domestic animals.
CVM-730A: Veterinary Pathology
Credits 6.090 lectures = 6 credits
The first part of this course will introduce the student to general pathology of all organ systems. The second part of this course covers systemic pathology of domestic animals. Students will apply knowledge from previous courses (anatomy, histology, physiology, parasitology, immunology, and infectious disease) with the new knowledge of general pathology to describe the pathogenesis of and diagnose diseases. The pathophysiology of diseases will be covered for the hepatic, pancreatic, urinary cardiovascular, endocrine, musculoskeletal, respiratory, CNS, special senses, reproductive, gastrointestinal, integumentary, and ophthalmic systems of domestic animals.
CVM-730B: Veterinary Pathology II
Credits 3.045 lecture hours = 3 credits
This course serves as a continuation of CVM 730A-A0: Veterinary Pathology I. The pathophysiology of diseases will be covered for the musculoskeletal, respiratory, CNS, integumentary, and ophthalmic systems of domestic animals.
CVM-731: Basic Pharmacology
Credits 1.015 lecture hours = 1 credit
Students in this course will be exposed to key areas of biochemistry, pharmacology, and physiology, which are prerequisite to the understanding of physiological control mechanisms fundamental to modern medical practice. Integration of information and its application to clinical situations is emphasized. This is a graduate-level course that is designed and operated as intended for veterinary students, with the explicit expectation that each participating student has a priori general understanding of systems-based physiological functioning. This course will cover select pharmaco-physiological concepts/dynamics that are critical to proper functioning in healthy animals.
CVM-732: Toxicology
Credits 1.520 lecture hours + 2 lab hours = 1.5 credits
This course is an introduction to principles of toxicology in domestic animals. The student will learn basic principles of veterinary toxicology and learn how to locate toxicological information. The course will present some common toxicants of chemicals and plants (focusing on those found in North America) affecting domestic animals and to learn basic approaches to treatment of poisoned animals.
CVM-733: Clinical Pathology
Credits 3.041 lecture hours + 8 lab hours = 3 credits
This course explains pathophysiologic mechanisms responsible for abnormal findings in hematologic, biochemical, urinalysis and cytologic tests in health and disease of animals. Students will learn a selection of appropriate diagnostic tests for various diseases and how to interpret the results of these tests. They will learn basic principles of laboratory medicine including quality control, reference intervals, specificity, sensitivity and positive and negative predictive values
CVM-734: One Health III
Credits 2.030 lecture hours =2 credits
This course will introduce the concepts of distribution, diagnosis, treatment, and control of zoonotic diseases and transboundary diseases. It will draw from knowledge gained in with courses regarding infectious agents, immune system, pathophysiology, clinical pathology, and parasitology. The course will examine the One Health aspects of disease and the interrelatedness between individual and population human health, animal health, and the environment. Included will be student team literature search, critical literature analysis and presentations. Students will complete phase one of the United States Department of Agriculture Initial Accreditation Training.
CVM-735: Clinical Skills III
Credits 1.545 lab hours = 1.5 credits
Students will be taught basic ligatures and suturing techniques, phlebotomy, intramuscular injection and subcutaneous injection techniques using models and live animals. Students will perform physical examinations of canine, equine, bovine and ovine species and be introduced to the Subjective and Objective (SOAP) format for medial record keeping.
CVM-736: Veterinary Nutrition
Credits 2.028 lecture hours + 4 lab hours = 2 credits
This course is a comprehensive overview of domestic animal nutrition, including digestion and metabolism of nutrients, feedstuffs and feeding, ration formulation, and the interaction of nutrition and disease for small animals, horses and food animals. Clinical nutrition aspects will be focused upon.
CVM-737A: Surgery I - Intro to Surgery
Credits 2.030 lecture hours = 2 credits
This course will cover principles of surgery, including aseptic technique, fracture healing, perioperative patient care, and basic principles of surgical procedures and techniques. Application of anatomic knowledge to surgical approaches will also be included.
CVM-737B: Surgery II - Soft Tissue
Credits 1.524 lecture hours = 1.5 credits
This course will cover clinical conditions seen in small animals with an emphasis on soft tissue surgical treatment and prognosis. It will integrate and build upon the principles of surgery and surgical diseases covered in CVM 737A, applying and expanding anatomical knowledge acquired, and go beyond the genetic and developmental aspects of small animal conditions to address surgical interventions to consider when conservative and medical therapies alone are not appropriate or not producing satisfactory results. Case-based examples and exercises will be utilized throughout the course to improve students’ ability to apply the information to practical clinical situations.
CVM-737C: Surgery III - Orthopedic
Credits 1.522 lecture hours = 1.5 credits
This course will cover clinical conditions seen in small animals with an emphasis on soft tissue surgical treatment and prognosis. It will integrate and build upon the principles of surgery and surgical diseases covered in CVM 737A, applying and expanding anatomical knowledge acquired, and go beyond the genetic and developmental aspects of small animal conditions to address surgical interventions to consider when conservative and medical therapies alone are not appropriate or not producing satisfactory results. Case-based examples and exercises will be utilized throughout the course to improve students’ ability to apply the information to practical clinical situations.
CVM-738: Professional Skills III
Credits 1.02 lecture hours + 26 lab hours = 1 credit
Students will be introduced to professional communication skills and their importance in veterinary medicine. The Professional Life Skills course will focus on aspects of: Building Professional Identity, Communications, Leadership, Wellbeing, & Financial Literacy.
CVM-741: Clinical Pharmacology I
Credits 1.522 lectures = 1 credit
The course is designed to utilize the foundation acquired in CVM 731 (Basic Pharmacology) to understand and utilize data for specific drug classes as relates to their clinical utilities and limitations. Drug modes of action and physiologic effects that stem from drug actions are introduced with emphasis placed upon prototypical drugs.
CVM-741A: Clinical Pharmacology I
Credits 1.022 lectures = 1.5 credits
The clinical pharmacology course covers drug applications germane to each body system as well as treatment of infection and inflammation. It compares and contrasts the particularities pertinent to different animal species and highlights relevant clinical applications. As such, it is designed to complement and expand on the treatment options that students learn as part of their small animal medicine, equine medicine and surgery, and food animal medicine and surgery courses. Basic principles of pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion) and pharmacodynamics (biochemical and physiological drug effect, mechanism of action) relevant to veterinary medicine will be covered. Therapeutic uses, contraindications, monitoring, and adverse effects of drugs will be discussed. Rules, regulations, and timely topics in veterinary pharmacology will be addressed.
CVM-741B: Clinical Pharmacology II
Credits 1.022 lectures = 1.5 credits
The clinical pharmacology course covers drug applications germane to each body system as well as treatment of infection and inflammation. It compares and contrasts the particularities pertinent to different animal species and highlights relevant clinical applications. As such, it is designed to complement and expand on the treatment options that students learn as part of their small animal medicine, equine medicine and surgery, and food animal medicine and surgery courses.
CVM-743: Intro to Diagnostic Imaging
Credits 3.045 lecture hours = 3 credits
This introductory course covers methods of imaging, radiation safety measures and principles of image interpretation. Radiography and ultrasonography are emphasized, but computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear scintigraphy are also discussed. Lectures on basic image interpretation include normal findings and classical imaging signs of common conditions. A working knowledge of small animal and equine anatomy and physiology is a pre-requisite for this course.
CVM-744: One Health IV
Credits 1.015 lecture hours = 1 credit
This course introduces the basic concepts of the roles of environmental and global components of One Health. This will include a broad analysis of environmental impacts of livestock production, climate change, food safety and security, emerging and transboundary diseases. Global aspects of One Health including key organizations and working in multicultural environments will be covered. The links between the environment, human health and animal health will be highlighted including both Appalachian and global regions. Students will complete the USDA Transboundary and Emerging Diseases of Animals for Initial Accreditation Training.
CVM-745: Clinical Skills IV
Credits 1.545 lab hours = 1.5 credits
Students will continue to develop expertise in handling and interpretation of general physical examination findings in large animals (equine, bovine, small ruminants). Students will demonstrate continued progress toward mastery of psychomotor skills for surgery including aseptic technique, anesthetic monitoring, and using a spay model.
CVM-746A: Anesthesia & Analgesia I - Introduction
Credits 2.030 lecture hours = 2 credits
This course serves as an introduction to veterinary anesthesia, analgesia, and peri-operative case management. It will lay the foundation for the basic principles of anesthesia and analgesia, relying on the student to review and be familiar with basic pharmacology and physiology presented in previous semesters. This course is also a prerequisite for the anesthesia lectures within the Small Animal Internal Medicine course in the third year of the curriculum, in which students will apply the knowledge learned in the introductory course to formulate specific anesthetic plans for various species and cases with pre-existing conditions or comorbidities.
CVM-748: Professional Skills IV
Credits 1.01 lecture + 28 lab hours = 1 credit
Students will be introduced to professional communication skills and their importance in veterinary medicine. Students will demonstrate these skills in simulated client interactions.
CVM-749: Integrative Diagnostics
Credits 1.015 lectures = 1 credit
The emphasis of this course is directed toward the integration of basic science with clinical skills, especially the use of diagnostic imaging and clinical pathology when working through a clinical case. Students will develop their skills in critical thinking, communication, resource identification, evaluation, and clinical decision-making through small group management of a hypothetical veterinary cases. Through case-based learning, students will revisit and apply knowledge from previous courses as well as preview the application and interpretation of content from upcoming semesters.
CVM-750A: Small Animal Medicine I
Credits 4.060 lecture hours = 4 credits
Diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of non-surgical diseases of the dog and cat. Emphasis will be on diagnosis and treatment. In addition, students will have a series of interactive anesthesia lectures over the course of the academic year that will integrate knowledge gained from the small animal medicine block with that of the introductory anesthesia and analgesia courses.
The primary goal of this course is to provide students with a broad and comprehensive knowledge of common canine and feline medical diseases and disorders organized by system. In order to accomplish this goal, you must bring forward and integrate your foundational knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology of disease, parasitology, infectious disease, etc. The course will include multiple case-based discussions and assignments in order to allow you to integrate and apply the knowledge you gain in lectures to situations you may encounter in veterinary practice, and to prepare you for your final year of clinical training.
CVM-750B: Small Animal Medicine II
Credits 4.060 lecture hours = 4 credits
Diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of non-surgical diseases of dogs and cats. Emphasis will be on diagnosis and treatment.
The primary goal of this course is to provide students with a broad and comprehensive knowledge of common canine and feline medical diseases and disorders organized by system. In order to accomplish this goal, you must bring forward and integrate your foundational knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology of disease, parasitology, infectious disease, etc. The course will include multiple case-based discussions and assignments in order to allow you to integrate and apply the knowledge you gain in lectures to situations you may encounter in veterinary practice, and to prepare you for your final year of clinical training.
CVM-751: Theriogenology
Credits 2.030 lectures = 2 credits
Integration of reproductive physiology, endocrinology, pathology, and pharmacology as they apply to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of reproductive disorders of domestic animals. Normal estrous cycles, breeding management, pregnancy, dystocia management and parturition in domestic animal species will be covered. Breeding soundness in male and female animals, and normal pregnancy and production.
CVM-752A: Food Animal Production, Medicine, & Surgery I
Credits 3.045 lectures = 3 credits
This course is designed to educate the veterinary student on the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention of non-surgical and surgical diseases of food and fiber animals (bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine, camelid) and includes production animal medicine, emerging diseases and common husbandry practices.
CVM-752B: Food Animal Production, Medicine, & Surgery II
Credits 3.045 lectures = 3 credits
This course is designed to educate the veterinary student on the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of non-surgical and surgical diseases of food and fiber animals (bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine, camelid) and includes production animal medicine, emerging diseases and common husbandry practices. The primary goal of this course is to provide students with a broad and comprehensive knowledge of common canine and feline medical diseases and disorders organized by system. In order to accomplish this goal, you must bring forward and integrate your foundational knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathology of disease, parasitology, infectious disease, etc. The course will include multiple case-based discussions and assignments in order to allow you to integrate and apply the knowledge you gain in lectures to situations you may encounter in veterinary practice, and to prepare you for your final year of clinical training.
CVM-753A: Equine Medicine & Surgery I
Credits 3.045 lecture hours = 3 credits
This course is designed to educate the veterinary student on clinical conditions seen in the horse, with emphasis on clinical signs, diagnosis, medical, and surgical treatment, and prognosis.
CVM-753B: Equine Medicine & Surgery II
Credits 3.045 lecture hours = 3 credits
This course is designed to educate the veterinary student on clinical conditions seen in the horse, with emphasis on clinical signs, diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment, and prognosis.
CVM-755: Clinical Skills V
Credits 2.560 lab hours = 2 credits
Development of expertise in handling and interpretation of general and specific physical examination findings in large animals (equine, bovine, small ruminants) and small animals. Continuation of anesthesia and surgical skills training with introduction of anesthesia and surgery in the live canine or feline patient.
CVM-758: Professional Skills V
Credits 1.03 lecture hours + 24 lab hours = 1 credit
Students will be introduced to professional communication skills and their importance in veterinary medicine. The Professional Life Skills course will focus on aspects of: Building Professional Identity, Communications, Leadership, Wellbeing, & Financial Literacy.
CVM-759: Introduction to Clinical Year
Credits 0.57 lecture hours = .5 credits
Course CVM 759 is designed to prepare students for their clinical year rotations in fourth year. Clinical Rotation policy, procedure, coursework, organization, expectations and how to maximize success on rotations will be explored and discussed. Instruction will consist of self-guided online modules, in-person sessions and small group discussions.
CVM-761: Avian & Exotic Animal Medicine
Credits 1.015 lecture hours = 1 credit
The purpose of this "Avian & Exotic Animal Medicine": course is to build confidence, competence, and commitment to the species of small, "exotic", mammalian, avian, and reptilian species that are most commonly presented to clinicians in North American practices. Each of these three taxons represented include between 6000 to 8000 species. The representative species discussed and studied in this basic medicine course will enable the veterinary student to gain a basic understanding of the unique challenges and requirements of these increasingly popular, companion animals. Likewise the veterinary student will learn that (s)he will not only broader one's knowledge and skill base, but also potentially increase one's income capacity by provided professional care for these species. This "Avian & Exotics" (A&E) course will build on the knowledge & skills the sixth semester veterinary student has developed over the previous five semesters. This A & E course will require a sound knowledge of parasitology, anatomy, physiology, general pathology, immunology, infectious diseases, and other disciplines of medicine and surgery. The veterinary student will be expected to be able to adapt and modify their skill sets and knowledge base to adapt to the unique characteristics of these species of other taxons of the vertebrate phylum.
CVM-764: Veterinary Dentistry
Credits 1.523 lecture hours = 1.5 credits
Diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of dental diseases of the dog, cat, horse, and exotic pets.
CVM-765: Clinical Skills VI
Credits 3.090 lab hours = 3 credits
Students will be introduced to more advanced diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for small and large animals including ophthalmology procedures, ultrasonography, radiography, bandaging, semen evaluation,and epidurals using a combination of live animals, models and cadavers. Students will demonstrate continued practice with completing medical records including SOAPs, case presentations, and discharge instructions.
CVM-766: Introduction to Practice Management
Credits 1.015 lecture hours = 1 credit
In this course students will be exposed to key concepts in veterinary practice management and ownership. Students will gain insights into the operational workings in a variety of clinical settings. Students will acquire knowledge of business operations, team management and client acquisition and retention.
CVM-768: Professional Skills VI
Credits 1.015 lab hours =1 credit
Students will be introduced to professional communication skills and their importance in veterinary medicine. The Professional Life Skills course will focus on aspects of: Building Professional Identity, Communications, Leadership, Wellbeing, & Financial Literacy.
CVM-769B: Poultry Elective
Credits 1.015 lecture hours = 1 credit
This course teaches principles of Poultry Health. Students will gain knowledge of avian (poultry) clinical anatomy and physiology, nutrition, basic management, clinical signs of common diseases / disorders, generation of differential diagnoses lists, development of diagnostic plans, treatment, control, and prevention strategies. The course stresses critical thinking and problem solving.
CVM-769C: Veterinary Oncology Elective
Credits 1.015 lecture hours = 1 credit
This course teaches principles and practice of veterinary oncology. Students will gain knowledge of the most common malignancies seen in both small and large animals, including both diagnosis and appropriate treatment options with their associated prognosis. Information will be presented in both didactic and case-based format.
CVM-769D: Wildlife & Zoological Medicine Elective
Credits 1.015 lecture hours = 1 credit
The purpose of this “Wildlife & Zoological Medicine” course is to introduce & expose veterinary students to the diversity of this discipline of veterinary medicine. This course will expose the third-year student to species within the classes of mammalian, avian, reptilian, amphibian, and fish. Each of these taxons represented include between 6000 to 20,000 species. The representative species discussed and studied in this course will enable the veterinary student to gain a basic understanding of the unique challenges and requirements of medicine and surgery involving diverse species in ex situ locations within zoological parks and in situ within natural habitats or other environments. Likewise, the veterinary student will learn that (s)he will not only broaden one’s knowledge and skill base, but also potentially increase one’s income capacity by providing professional care for these species. This “Wildlife & Zoological” (W & Z) course will build on the knowledge & skills the sixth semester veterinary student has developed over the previous five semesters. This W & Z course will require a sound knowledge of parasitology, anatomy, physiology, general pathology, immunology, infectious diseases, and other disciplines of medicine and surgery. The veterinary student will be expected to be able to adapt and modify their skill sets and knowledge base to adapt to the unique characteristics of these species of other taxons of the vertebrate phylum.
CVM-769E: Nutritional Management of Small Animal Diseases
Credits 1.015 lecture hours = 1 credit
This course is an introduction to clinical nutrition that will cover recognition and management of common diseases of dogs and cats in which proper diet and nutrition play important roles.
CVM-769H: Advanced Equine Diagnostic Procedures
Credits 1.030 lab hours = 1.5 credit
This course expands on principles introduced in the CVM 753, 763 (Equine Medicine and Surgery), CVM 715, 725, 735, 745, 755, and 765 (Clinical skills), and other courses taught in the LMU-CVM curriculum.
Students will learn to use advanced diagnostic procedures and techniques commonly applied in equine medicine, surgery, and theriogenology.
This course is particularly recommended for equine oriented students before the beginning of their clinical year rotation. The course is designed to allow students to become competent and confident in using a number of the diagnostic procedures and techniques encountered in equine practice.
An emphasis will be placed on the individual student to prepare in advance for the labs, by reading assigned material and completing laboratory assignments.
CVM-769K: Food Animal Elective
Credits 1.030 lab hours = 1.5 credit
This course is designed to increase expertise in certain food animal skills, expose food animal students to techniques and skills not previously taught in prior courses or labs and offers opportunity to increase their food animal problem solving and critical thinking skills. This course is primarily directed toward students that wish to specialize in food animal practice or intend for food animal practice to be the majority of their overall practice. Diary, beef and small ruminants' topics and exercises will be conducted and will include at least one “outbreak” investigation.
CVM-769M: Introduction to Veterinary Disaster Management
Credits 1.010 lecture hours + 8 lab hours = 1 credit
This course will introduce the concepts and issues involved in veterinary disaster medicine at the local, national, and international level. Lectures, case studies, tabletop exercises and hands-on laboratories will be used to train in basic response processes and techniques. Online Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) courses will be used to build background training.
CVM-769O: Radiographic Interpretation
Credits 1.015 lecture hours = 1 credit)
This elective course covers principles and application of radiographic image interpretation using the foundation of Roentgen signs. Each case will give students the opportunity to practice the skills of basic image interpretation, including identifying normal findings as well as classical imaging findings associated with commonly encountered radiographic diagnoses. A working knowledge of small animal and equine anatomy and physiology is a pre-requisite for this course.
CVM-769P: Large Animal Ambulatory Elective
Credits 0.515 lab hours = 1 credit
Students will accompany a clinician on farm calls and participate in all aspects of large animal ambulatory medicine. This course is open to 2nd and 3rd year LMU-CVM students interested in pursuing large animal medicine. Food animal species will be the focus of the course, but some cases may include other large animals.
CVM-769Q: Advanced Equine Lameness Elective
Credits 1.012 lectures + 5 labs = 1 credit
This is an elective course that can be taken by veterinary students in their 3rd year that have an interest in doing equine sports medicine practice after graduation. The course will cover topics about the pathophysiology of joint disease, advanced performance evaluation, treatment options in athletic horses, abnormalities of the axial skeleton, imaging of the equine athlete, regenerative therapies and rules and regulations for showing and racing in regard to medications.
CVM-769R: Mixed Animal Elective - Food Animal
Credits 0.515 lab hours = .5 credits
This course is designed to increase expertise in certain food animal skills, expose food animal students to techniques and skills not previously taught in prior courses or labs and offers opportunity to increase their food animal problem solving and critical thinking skills. This course is primarily directed toward students that wish to specialize in food animal practice or intend for food animal practice to be the majority of their overall practice. Dairy, beef, and small ruminant topics and exercises will be conducted and will include at least one “outbreak” investigation.
CVM-769S: Mixed Animal Elective - Equine
Credits 0.514 lab hours = .5 credits
This course expands on principles introduced in the CVM 753-A, 7653-B (Equine Medicine and Surgery), CVM 715, 725, 735, 745, 755, and 765 (Clinical skills), and other courses taught in the LMU-CVM curriculum. Students will learn to use advanced diagnostic procedures and techniques commonly applied in equine medicine, surgery, and theriogenology. This course is particularly recommended for mixed equine oriented students before the beginning of their clinical year rotation. The course is designed to allow students to become competent and confident in using a number of the diagnostic procedures and techniques encountered in equine practice. An emphasis will be placed on the individual student to prepare in advance for the labs, by reading assigned material and completing laboratory assignments.
CVM-770: Small Animal General Practice
Credits 4.0Supervised clinical instruction in a selected, pre-approved, high quality, small animal general practice (canine, feline, pocket pets). Students see a wide variety of medical and surgical cases and are active participants in their diagnostic and therapeutic management, to include documentation of findings and care in problem-oriented medical records and performance of clinical procedures.
CVM-770E: Small Animal GP Elective
Credits 4.0Supervised clinical instruction in a selected, pre-approved, high quality, small animal general practice (canine, feline, pocket pets). Students see a wide variety of medical and surgical cases and are active participants in their diagnostic and therapeutic management, to include documentation of findings and care in problem-oriented medical records and performance of clinical procedures.
CVM-771: Specialty Animal Practice
Credits 4.0Supervised clinical instruction in a selected, high quality, specialty practice focusing on small animal species, primarily canine and feline. Instruction will take place in practices with board certified internists, radiologists, surgeons, anesthesiologists, or other specialists, and/or access to those specialists. Students are active participants in diagnostic and therapeutic management of a wide variety of cases with instructive pathophysiological learning issues requiring appropriate medical and/or surgical management in veterinary advanced care, emergency and critical care situations.
CVM-771E: Specialty Animal Elective
Credits 4.0CVM-772: Small Animal Primary Care
Credits 4.0Supervised clinical instruction in the medical and surgical areas of a busy community shelter practice. Students perform medical, dental and surgical treatments for the benefit of animals owned by the shelter. LMU-CVM faculty work with the shelter medical and surgical teams in the supervision of students. Students perform physical examinations on dogs and cats, and discuss their findings with LMU-CVM faculty, shelter veterinarians and staff. Students are intimately involved in providing medical, surgical and preventive care to shelter animals. Students are involved in the preparation and performance of elective surgeries (such as ovariohysterectomy, orchiectomy, and dentistry) on dogs and cats under the supervision of LMU-CVM faculty, shelter veterinarians and staff. Students take part in discussions and/or demonstrations in regard to animal behavior problems and potential solutions. Students participate in medicine and surgery rounds. Students make formal rounds presentation to other students and staff during the course and prepare a presentation relevant to the shelter experience with the approval of the course director for presentation at rotation end. The course is composed of hands on medical and surgical care of shelter-owned animals, lectures, self-study, case write ups and presentations and team based exercises.
CVM-773: Diagnostic Medicine
Credits 2.0Supervised clinical instruction in clinical and anatomic pathology at a veterinary diagnostic laboratory. Students are active participants in diagnostic examination of specimens from animal patients and gain experience in necropsy of a variety of animal species under the supervision of veterinary pathologists. Interpretation of gross pathology, clinical pathology, toxicology, microbiology, serology, and parasitology findings.
CVM-774: Large Animal Clinical Rotation
Credits 2.0Students will be introduced to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for large animals which may include internal medicine, surgery, preventative medicine, lameness, herd and flock health consultation, routine procedures, diagnostic imaging, reproductive technology, wound care, dentistry, anesthesia, and general surgical procedures using a combination of live animals, case discussion, models, and cadavers. Students will demonstrate continued communications skills development including communication with owners through written discharge instructions and communication with colleagues via referral letters. Small animal wellness and surgery may be included in the rotation.
CVM-775: Mixed Animal Practice
Credits 4.0Supervised clinical course with mixed animal practice veterinarians (canine, feline, beef, dairy, equine, small ruminants, swine) working in ambulatory and/or clinic-based practice. Students see a wide variety of cases and are active participants in their diagnostic and therapeutic management, to include documentation of findings and care in problem-oriented medical records and performance of clinical procedures.
CVM-776: NAVLE Administration
Credits 4.0Course CVM 776 is a Required Course offered in fall semester. Students will prepare and sit for the North American Veterinary Licensing Exam (NAVLE®). Students will conduct independent studies and review in order to prepare for the NAVLE®.
CVM-777: Launch Week
Credits 1.0This required course is offered to students at the conclusion of the clinical year rotation blocks to assist in their transition from veterinary student to DVM. Course design involves a multifaceted approach to content delivery through exit surveys, financial literacy education, veterinary imaging monitoring verification, and interactive professional communication. This course includes four internal CVM programmatic surveys, one LMU-CVM Graduating Senior Survey, one AVMA Graduating Senior Survey, one Doctors Without Quarters (DWQ) education seminar, submission of dosimeter badge, and various communication activities. Students will have access to online education materials and learning tools provided by the CVM, DWQ, and AVMA. Instructors will track individual student progress in each respective learning unit by tracking performance metrics provided by the LMU-CVM Outcomes Assessment program. The course assignments and self-directed completion of units will span approximately 2-4 weeks.
CVM-778: Veterinary Imaging
Credits 2.0This course will provide a structured means for students in the clinical year of the DVM program to apply and synthesize the knowledge gained in the pre clinical training into the clinical setting. Students will use the knowledge and skills gained in the Radiology Short Course to perform radiographic interpretation during their clinical placements.
CVM-779: Advanced Clinical Pathology
Credits 2.0(2 weeks = 2 credits)
This course will build on the core concepts of clinical pathology as presented in CVM 733, while fostering higher-level interpretation of laboratory data. Clinical biochemistry, hematology, urinalysis, cytology, and molecular diagnostics will be reviewed in this asynchronous, virtual course.
CVM-780: Elective Distributive Courses
Credits 4.0Elective courses consists of supervised clinical instruction in high quality learning experiences available at institutions and practices in North America and around the world, to include general practices, specialty practices (such as medicine, surgery, cardiology, dermatology, neurology, oncology, ophthalmology), species-specific practices, other accredited Colleges of Veterinary Medicine, zoos, and other LMU-CVM approved public and private biomedical institutions.
Students are active participants in their elective rotations, participating in the wide variety of cases with instructive learning issues and situations to which they will be exposed. Elective clinical rotations can either be selected from a preapproved list, or a proposal (student proposed elective, SPE) can be submitted and approved through the Clinical Relations Office (CVM780SPE and CVM781SPE).
Prerequisite: successful completion of pre-clinical course work, clinical year standing.
CVM-780E: Elective Clinical Rotation
Credits 4.0Elective courses consists of supervised clinical instruction in high quality learning experiences available at institutions and practices in North America and around the world, to include general practices, specialty practices (such as medicine, surgery, cardiology, dermatology, neurology, oncology, ophthalmology), species-specific practices, other accredited Colleges of Veterinary Medicine, zoos, and other LMU-CVM approved public and private biomedical institutions.
Students are active participants in their elective rotations, participating in the wide variety of cases with instructive learning issues and situations to which they will be exposed. Elective clinical rotations can either be selected from a preapproved list, or a proposal (student proposed elective, SPE) can be submitted and approved through the Clinical Relations Office (CVM780SPE and CVM781SPE).
Prerequisite: successful completion of pre-clinical course work, clinical year standing.
CVM-781: Elective Externship
Credits 2.0Elective courses consists of supervised clinical instruction in high quality learning experiences available at institutions and practices in North America and around the world, to include general practices, specialty practices (such as medicine, surgery, cardiology, dermatology, neurology, oncology, ophthalmology), species-specific practices, other accredited Colleges of Veterinary Medicine, zoos, and other LMU-CVM approved public and private biomedical institutions.
Students are active participants in their elective rotations, participating in the wide variety of cases with instructive learning issues and situations to which they will be exposed. Elective clinical rotations can either be selected from a preapproved list, or a proposal (student proposed elective, SPE) can be submitted and approved through the Clinical Relations Office (CVM780SPE and CVM781SPE).
Prerequisite: successful completion of pre-clinical course work, clinical year standing.
CVM-781E: Elective Clinical Rotation
Credits 2.0Elective courses consists of supervised clinical instruction in high quality learning experiences available at institutions and practices in North America and around the world, to include general practices, specialty practices (such as medicine, surgery, cardiology, dermatology, neurology, oncology, ophthalmology), species-specific practices, other accredited Colleges of Veterinary Medicine, zoos, and other LMU-CVM approved public and private biomedical institutions.
Students are active participants in their elective rotations, participating in the wide variety of cases with instructive learning issues and situations to which they will be exposed. Elective clinical rotations can either be selected from a preapproved list, or a proposal (student proposed elective, SPE) can be submitted and approved through the Clinical Relations Office (CVM780SPE and CVM781SPE).
Prerequisite: successful completion of pre-clinical course work, clinical year standing.
CVM-782: NAVLE Preparation
Credits 4.0CVM-782Q: Adv Small Animal Orthopedics
Credits 1.0The emphasis will be on introducing advanced orthopedic topics that were not covered in the Orthopedic Surgery CVM 767 course and expanding on the topics introduced in that course. The topics will focus on fracture stabilization methods and the diagnosis and treatment of select orthopedic conditions. In addition, there will be 2 laboratories to allow students to perform a femoral head and neck ostectomy (FHO) and an extracapsular stabilization procedure for the CCL deficient stifle using canine cadavers.
CVM-782R: Large Anim Clin Practice Preparation
Credits 1.0Course CVM 782R is designed as a review of foundational clinical knowledge for students who will track large animal or mixed practice in their clinical year. Medical records, case progression, and tips for succeeding on large animal rotations will be reviewed. Students are active participants in this elective rotation, with access to a variety of cases and topics that provide a robust learning opportunity and exposure to clinical scenarios. T**See syllabus for more information.
CVM-782S: Small Animal Gen Prac Elective
Credits 2.0CVM 782-S0 /782V Small Animal Clinical Practice Preparation immersive two-week rotation consists of supervised clinical instruction in high quality learning environments. Students are active participants in this elective rotation, with access to a wide variety of cases that have robust learning opportunities and interactive scenarios which they will be expected to work through as clinicians. Students will be exposed to a wide variety of medical and surgical cases and will be active participants in the diagnostic and therapeutic management.
CVM-782T: Adv Clinical Pathology
Credits 1.015 lecture hours = 1 credit
This is an applied animal behavior course that provides an overview of common behavior problems in dogs and cats. The course will cover clinical topics that build off of the foundational skills developed in the CVM 726 Animal Husbandry and Welfare course.